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  Addis Abeba, 28 January 2018  – United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, has warned that hunger is on the rise the world over with Africa registering the highest rates. He was speaking during an event organized on the margins of the African Union Summit under the theme “Renewed Partnership …

Experts at Dakar event point to a significant cause of investment losses, work stoppages and violence across Africa: the failure of governments and companies to respect the land rights of indigenous and local communities DAKAR, SENEGAL (9 February 2017)—Sixty-three percent of disputes related to private sector land and natural resource …

Addis Abeba Dec 08/2016 – Africa is a world leader in poverty and hunger due to a lack of committed leadership and rampant corruption, said Dr Kanayo F. Nwanze, president of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in his address at the House of Lords yesterday.