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Food Security

Addis Abeba, May 24/20221 – The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the European Union (EU) will provide EUR 26.5 million worth of liquidity and debt relief to rural financial institutions to protect jobs and safeguard livelihoods during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a statement sent to Addis Standard. …

Addis Abeba, May 18/2021 – An inter -agency mission conducted on 3-6 May in North Shewa and Oromo Special Zones of Amhara Region identified that at least 358,000 people displaced due to conflict andin dire need of food, shelter, non-food items, water, and healthcare services, the UNOCHA said. “While 90 …

Read Out The United States is gravely concerned by the increasing number of confirmed cases of military forces blocking humanitarian access to parts of the Tigray region. This unacceptable behavior places the 5.2 million people in the region in immediate need of humanitarian assistance at even greater risk. The United …