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Food Security

By Bileh Jelan @Bileh Jelan & Dereje Gonfa @DerejeGonfa Addis Abeba, November 29/2021 – Drought yet again hit the Somali Region and affected different woredas in the hardest hit Dawa zone, according to regional officials as well as residents. The crisis led to displacement and continues to threaten a humanitarian crisis. …

By Dereje Gonfa @DerejeGonfa Addis Abeba, November 16/2021- Gumi Suricho, a resident of the Borana zone Dilo woreda told Addis Standard, “Since the breaking of news about drought in Borana everyone from individuals to institutions is rallying to support us,” admiring the response from the Oromo community. Gumi however argued …

Addis Abeba, November 15/2021 – UN humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths today allocated US$25 million from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to support life-saving humanitarian assistance and protection of civilians in Ethiopia. A $15 million allocation from the country-based Ethiopia Humanitarian Fund (EHF) was also announced, increasing the total injection …