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Ethiopia market reform

Apart from his role as chief of staff, Fitsum has also been the right-hand communicator of PM Abiy Addis Abeba, OCt. 27/2018 – Fitsum Arega, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s Chief of Staff, has been assigned by the Prime Minister to head the Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC), a reliable source with …

Belachew Mekuria (PhD), Commissioner of Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC), has resigned from his position effective yesterday September 11. Belachew was appointed to the position by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in April this year during a reshuffle that saw Fitsum Aregaa, now PM Abiy’s chief of staff, leave his position as …

Liyat Fekade Addis Abeba, September 04/2018 – A landmark decision by the Ethiopian investment board has reversed a major regulation that restricts foreign investors from engaging in parts of Ethiopia’s Investment Incentives and Investment Areas reserved for domestic investors by lifting the restriction on logistic industry which was exclusively reserved …