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Ethiopia in transition

Yared Tsegaye Addis Abeba, December 28/2018 – Following a heated controversy between Arba Minch University (AMU) management and about 50 prospective graduates who studied in the “Production Engineering Department” of the university, the management of the university began reaching out to employers which will potentially absorb the graduates, focusing mainly …

Henok Samuel, MD Addis Abeba, December 24/2018 – After the last conflict which I posted [in November this year] titled ‘The endless battle of Moyale’, the town was in a tense situation – there had been palpable fear and tension in the air and we were wary of the situation. …

Illustration: John Holmes for Human Rights Watch report on Jail Ogaden  Solomon A Dersso, PhD, Addis Abeba, December 14/2018 – Addressing the topic of transitional justice and reconciliation in today’s Ethiopia is perhaps one of, if not, the most difficult one. Transitions, which are characterized by political and institutional fluidity …