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Ethiopia Drought

Hussien Mohamed Yusuf Addis Abeba, September 24/2019 – The IGAD region is one of the most food-insecure regions in the world. Prolonged and widespread drought is a recurrent feature of the arid and semi-arid lands that is exacerbated by climate change, advancing desertification and ecological degradation. These harsh ecological circumstances …

Addis Standard staffs Borana/Oromia, September 11/2019 – A livestock insurance product aimed at protecting pastoralists against calamity from drought made a payout to close to 3,000 Borana pastoralists following the extremely poor rains this year. Referred to as the Index-Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI), it is an innovative financial solution spearheaded …

Funding from this aid package will support drought-affected communities in Somalia (€25 million), Ethiopia (€20 million), Kenya (€3 million) and Uganda (€2 million).  Addis Abeba, August 07/2019 – The European Commission said it was mobilizing a further €50 million in emergency humanitarian funding to help the people hit by drought …