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Ethiopia Crisis

Addis Abeba, February 19/2018 –  The office of Federica Mogherini, head of the European Union external action service, released a statement expressing the block’s concern that “the resignation by Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn opens a period of uncertainty in Ethiopia.” On Thursday February 15, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn said …

Etenesh Abera Addis Abeba, February 17/2018 – The US Embassy in Addis Abeba has issued a statement saying the US “strongly disagree[s] with the Ethiopian government’s decision to impose a state of emergency that includes restrictions on fundamental rights such as assembly and expression.” The statement came after the council …

Liyat Fekade Addis Abeba, February 17/2018 – A senior government official told Addis Standard that there will be no need for a transitional government, an idea widely entertained by many to steam growing fears of rupture within the ruling EPRDF. This comes as a trail of chaotic events preceded the announcement …