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Addis Abeba, November 21/2019- In a statement sent to Addis Standard, Mohammed Olad, media and communication advisor of Mestafe Omer, Somali regional state vice president, said that Eng. Mohamed Shalle, SDP Central Committe Bureau Head announced via the Somali Region State Boradcaster that the party’s Executive Committee (EC) and Central …

Addis Abeba, November 21/2019- In a letter issued last night and addressed to the secretariat of the EPRDF Council, TPLF, one of the four major parties constituting EPRDF, said it will not participate in the planned meeting of the EPRDF Council today. TPLF cited both procedural and legal shortfalls to …

Editor’s Note: Please click here to download draft copy of “Prosperity Party Regulation” exclusively obtained by Addis Standard Ephream Sileshi Addis Abeba November 18/2019 – The Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) Executive Committee meeting has entered its third day today in what would become the last such meetings before …