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By Asress Adimi Gikay @RealAsressGikay Addis Abeba, June 9, 2021 – The Ethiopian Parliament enacted a modern law governing security rights in movable assets in 2019. The Movable Property Security Rights Proclamation was drafted with the assistance of the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Enacted in response to the dire need …

Addis Ababa, April 14, 2021 – Dashen Bank announced on April 13, 2021 that it will launch Amole E-Commerce Gateway using Visa Cyber Source infrastructure to acquire Visa, Mastercard and American Express. The Amole E-Commerce gateway will be the first E-Commerce gateway in Ethiopia to accept all three major international …

Addis Ababa March 18, 2021 – RedFox Solutions Group is breaking ground to build Ethiopia’s first private data center. The move aims to bring state-of the-art infrastructure, availability, efficiency, and sustainability to this sought-after ICT hub. Known as RFDC1, the data center will be constructed in the county’s capital Addis …