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Biniam Ewnte (MD, General Surgeon), For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, April 24/2019 – Recently a group of unemployed graduate physicians have come forward and expressed their frustrations to various media that although the ministry of health assigned them to regional health bureaus, the answers they get from respective regional health …

Addis Abeba, April 23/2019 – icipe Director General, Dr Segenet Kelemu, has been selected a 2019 College of Agriculture Alumni Fellow of Kansas State University, USA. “The Fellows are chosen based on their high levels of professional accomplishment and distinguished service in their respective careers,” said Andrea Bryant Gladin, K-State …

Getachew T. Alemu, For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, April 18/2019 – A flourishing digital economy is a new feature in the dynamics of the new Ethiopia. Slower as this explosion might be compared to the case in other countries, marked by competitive telecom market, its growth and disruptive impact in …