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Ishac Diwan Addis Abeba, June 07/2019 – Sudan is on the threshold of disaster. On June 3, paramilitary forces opened fire on peaceful pro-democracy protesters in Khartoum, killing over 100 and wounding hundreds more. Now, hope for a smooth transition to civilian rule is giving way to fear that the …

Abel Abate Demissie & Ahmed Soliman The prime minister has made great strides at reforming the authoritarian state in his first year. But how will he confront the hurdles ahead? Addis Abeba, April 17/2019 – It has been a whirlwind year for Ethiopia since Abiy Ahmed became prime minister. He …

Ambachew F. Admassie, for Addis Standard Part 3  Addis Abeba, January 28/2019 – Ethiopian online media outlets recently broke the news that there is a discussion going around some policy circles over reforming the regulation related to vehicle imports. It reportedly runs in the direction of prohibiting or levying higher …