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Solomon A. Dersso (PhD) @SolomonADersso Addis Abeba, May 05/2020 – Late last week I published an op-ed on the emerging constitutional and the associated but pre-existing political dilemma facing Ethiopia. Since the publication of my op ed, two friends I respect who are my contemporaries at law schools here & outside …

Arkebe Oqubay Addis Abeba, April 27/2020 – COVID-19 is the greatest global threat the world has faced since the Second World War. It is not the deadliest or most infectious disease recorded, but the level of globalization and interconnectedness of the world render it particularly destructive. The depth of the …

Mahemud Tekuya (@MTekuya) and Alekaw D. Assefa, For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, April 01/2020 – Nine years have passed since Ethiopia announced the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). The GERD – a big hydroelectric dam on one of the River Nile’s main tributaries, the Blue Nile in …