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  Abdulrezak Hussen (PhD), For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, July 04/2018 – It is a real story of innocents being criminalized, human rights obliterated, promises betrayed, justice ignored, peaceful protests brutally crushed and citizens blindly and indiscriminately beaten and more. It is a real story in a country where justice, …

  Alem Mamo Addis Abeba, June 07/2018 – Barely two months into his new job as a Prime Minister, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) has managed to simultaneously excite and alarm pretty much everybody. In Ethiopian political leadership this is no small feat, where offending the public has been the …

Members of ethnic Amharas displaced in Oct. 2017 from Kemashe zone of the Benshangul Gumuz regional state and are sheltered in Bahir Dar Hewan Alemayehu & Brook Abegaz, For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, June 04/2018 – Lately, it seems every new day in Ethiopia’s soil brings with it a wave …