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Border dispute

Henok Samuel, MD Addis Abeba, December 24/2018 – After the last conflict which I posted [in November this year] titled ‘The endless battle of Moyale’, the town was in a tense situation – there had been palpable fear and tension in the air and we were wary of the situation. …

Agreement on Peace, Friendship and Comprehensive Cooperation Between the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the State of Eritrea   The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the State of Eritrea, hereinafter referred to as the Two Parties; Considering the close bonds of geography, history, culture and religion between the …

PM Abiy Ahmed and President Isaias Afwerki exchanging pleasantries with Debretsion Gebremichael, deputy president of Tigray regional state yesterday during yesterday’s reopening of Bure and Zalambesa border crossings Semungus H. Gebrehiwot, for Addis Standard  Addis Abeba, September 12/2018 – A historic paradigm shift is underway in the Horn of Africa …