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Banishangul Gumuz Regional state

Please click here to download the full report Addis Abeba, August 13/2020 – Some 37,000 secondary displaced persons in West Wollega need immediate and sustainable solutions. From 64,594 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) who were returned to Kamashi and Assosa zones of Benishangul Gumuz region (BGR) from West Wollega zone (Oromia …

Addis Abeba, July 29/2020 – Armed men killed 14 civilians and injured more than six in Metekel zone, Guba Wereda in Benishangul Gumuz regional state on July 27 night, Amhara Mass Media Agency (AMMA) reported yesterday. Ahmed Kumsari, Guba wereda administrator, confirmed the killing and said the attackers were armed …

Addis Abeba, March 12/2020 – Desu Dula and Waqo Nole, journalists working for Oromia News Network (ONN) are currently in police custody awaiting trial, VOA Amharic reported. The networks general manager Sorsa Debella said the two journalists were detained while visiting a prisoner in Burayu town, in Oromia Regional State …