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Afar regional state

Addis Abeba, August 19/2021 – The latest UN report on the humanitarian crisis in Tigray said that “a fraction of the required humanitarian cargo to meet the mounting needs,” was reaching Tigray where the situation “remains unpredictable and volatile, while movement of Tigray Forces in Amhara and Afar continues.” Humanitarian …

By Addis Standard Staff  Click here to download the full report  Addis Abeba, August 14/2021 – The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in an update to its weekly update on the humanitarian situation in the Tigray region, complaint about shortage in delivery of humanitarian supplies to …

Addis Abeba, August 09/2021 – “UNICEF is extremely alarmed by the reported killing of over 200 people, including more than 100 children, in attacks on displaced families sheltering at a health facility and a school in Afar region on Thursday, 5 August. Crucial food supplies were also reportedly destroyed in an …