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Afar regional state

Addis Abeba, September 07/2021 – Displaced people have few belongings and sleep in overcrowded shelters, schools or even out in the open, where they may be exposed to the rainy season and cold weather in high-altitude regions. Water, food, cash, fuel and power are highly scarce, and those who are …

By Bileh Jelan @BilehJelan Addis Abeba, September 02/2021 – In corresponding statements, the United States States department and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) complained of the worsening humanitarian situation in Tigray, blamed the delay in delivery of assistance on the Federal government and called …

By Addis Standard Staff Addis Abeba, August 28/2021 – In the newest report on the humanitarian situation in the country, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) discussed the humanitarian situation in Afar, Amhara and Tigray regions.   OCHA reported that while 100 trucks a day of …