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Afar regional state

Addis Abeba, October 30/2021 – In the midst of conflicting reports on the status of the city of Dessie in Amhara regional State, the U.S. State Department has called on “the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) to withdraw from the Amhara and Afar regions, including halting its advances in and …

By Addis Standard Staff Addis Abeba, October 30/2021 – A statement released on October 29 after a daylong consultation in Bahir Dar, the capital of Amhara regional state, by members of the national federal and regional states law enforcement forum said that “the TPLF’s mission to destroy the country [Ethiopia] …

Addis Abeba October 16/2021 – In a lengthy report disclosing developments on the humanitarian response front in northern Ethiopia, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that essential and life saving assistance continue to be blocked from entering Tigray. Overview: The overall situation in Northern …