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Addis Abeba

By Getahun Tsegaye @GetahunTsegay12 Addis Abeba, November 7/ 2021- The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) expressed concerns over the situation of people being arrested in connection with the state of emergency. In a statement released yesterday, the commission said that it is worried about the handling of the people detained …

By Addis Standard Staff Addis Abeba, November 05/2021 -State of Emergency Operation Command said that it has confirmed that residence ID cards are being illegally issued in Amhara and Oromia regional states as well as in Addis Abeba city administrations. Therefore, as of today, issuance of residence ID cards is suspended indefinitely in …

By Mahlet Fasil Addis Abeba, November 05/2021 – The Southern Nations Nationalities and People’s regional state has announced that citizens who posses firearms should start to register their firearms starting today in the next five consecutive days. Senior leadership of SNNPRS met yesterday to deliberate on current security situation and …