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Addis Abeba

Addis Abeba, July 24, 2017 – Several business centers inside Merkato, the bustling business district in the heart of Addis Abeba city, remained shut throughout today. This includes almost all shops inside the Tana mall, the oldest shopping mall in Merkato.   These business owners are protesting the recent increase …

  Etenesh Abera Addis Abeba, July 23/2017 – Following days of defiance by small business owners in Oromia regional state and in the capital Addis Abeba against the newly introduced presumptive tax system, Kebede Chane, Director General of the Ethiopian Revenue and Customs Authority (ECRA), said the government was now scraping …

  Addis Abeba, July 10/2017 – Wednesday December 02/2015: it was not an ordinary day for five of six university students who were shuttling between the court room and their prison cells for nearly twenty months prior to that sunny morning. The university students were part of hundreds of Oromo …