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Addis Abeba City Administration

Mahlet Fasil Addis Abeba, September 20/2019 –  Adddis Abeba is poised to host “Capture Addis Photo Festival”, the first of its kind 7-day photo festival, from October 19 to October 25, 2019, the organizers said. A joint even organized by Lela Qellem Plc, a company involved in film production, entertainment …

Mahlet Fasil Addis Abeba, April 17/2019 – The Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council Addis Abeba office denounced security forces’ attack on Abdulqadir mosque and worshipers inside the mosque located in Akaki Kifle Ketema, Wereda 08, in the southern outskirt of Addis Abeba. At least nine people, including women and children, …