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Addis Abeba City Administration

Mahlet Fasil Addis Abeba, February 05/2020- Two civilians were killed following a police shooting at around midnight last night in Addis Abeba, at an area commonly known as 22 mazoria, behind St Gabriel hospital. One of he two victims is identified as Michias Thomas, according to various social media posts. …

Editor’s Note: Addis Abeba City Administration has announced yesterday that it has started school feeding programs covering some 300, 000 students in public schools. The program by the City Administration is far from perfect and is potentially constrained by lack of adequate financing for the over 10, 000 women engaged …

Hayalnesh Gezahegn Addis Abeba, October 13/2019 – In what two eye witnesses near Addis Ketema preparatory school here in the capital Addis Abeba said was a “random arrest”, three young men were whisked away in an open pickup truck by five members of Addis Abeba police yesterday afternoon. “We were on …