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Topic of the Month

Benyam Worku, MD @benyam_wd & Bizu Gelaye, PhD, MPH @b_gelaye Addis Abeba, August 13/2020 – As we have seen it in other pandemics, the COVID-19 pandemics will pass too. The world will pick up the pieces, try to come to terms with the unfortunate loss of loved ones and begin to …

By Rashid Abdi @RAbdiCG Ethiopia’s delicate transition is under severe strain. A ferocious burst of communal violence in July, touched off by the murder of a popular Oromo singer, which claimed some 160 lives, underscored the grave conflict risks the populous Horn of Africa nation faces. Addis Abeba, August 13/2020 …

By Abdirahman Ahmed @AbdiraxmanSocy Addis Abeba, August 07/2020 – The Somali Region is a perfect laboratory for migration and migrants: a source, destination and transit for various types of migrants coming from varying locations for various purposes. Somali region hosts the largest number of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Ethiopia. …