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World News

Mark N. katz After Russia joined the rest of the Security Council in condemning Syrian government forces for killing so many people in Houla, hope has arisen in the West that Moscow can now be enlisted to bring about a resolution to the ongoing crisis in Syria in a manner …

What will women remember in November? In this section Addis Standard’s correspondent Tomas Mega from Las Vegas, Nevada, will be following the 2012 Presidential election in the United States of America.  The battle for the vote of American women is taking shape, and with it the influence that Michelle Obama …

A global health conference in Addis Ababa attempts to address the issue of health equity. The host too has its own challenges to overcome Dr.Yohannes Damtew There is no lack of international conferences aimed at addressing pressing matters related to global health problems. October 21st 2011 marks a historic milestone …