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Middle East

It was Defense Minister Ehud Barak who needed this war badly, but he may be the one who will be the bad loser   Ran HaCohen (PhD), Middle East Contributor, Tel Aviv The narrow Gaza Strip – just 365 sq. km (70% of Addis Ababa’s municipal area) off sea-shore surrounded …

Mark N. katz After Russia joined the rest of the Security Council in condemning Syrian government forces for killing so many people in Houla, hope has arisen in the West that Moscow can now be enlisted to bring about a resolution to the ongoing crisis in Syria in a manner …

The recent round of inconclusive fighting across the Gaza-Israel border prompts several observations about the outcome and possible implications for the future Heller Mark A. Israel’s Iron Dome rocket interception system underwent its first operational test and achieved some notable successes. It was able to discriminate between rockets likely to …