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Middle East

Middle East

Mark N. Katz Far from being on the verge of collapse as many in the West and the Arab World had hoped, it now appears that the Assad regime in Syria has gained the upper hand against its internal opponents.  With Russia, Iran, and the Lebanese Shi’a movement Hezbollah all …

Ran HaCohen (PhD), Middle East Correspondent  Voluntariness is a tricky concept in Jewish religious tradition. A classical case is divorce rules: when a Jewish woman wants a divorce, her husband is the only one who can give her that. But if he refuses, the Rabbis can pressure him to give …

A new party led by a populist new-comer has got elected two Israelis of Ethiopian origin. What will be next is a curious case Ran HaCohen (PhD), Middle East Correspondent   The military attack on Gaza last November, what I called here “Operation unseat Barak “, ended in yet another …