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“Thousands of civilians have lost their lives” EU Addis Abeba, February 26/2021 – The European Union (EU) called for immediate cessation of hostilities to end the ongoing armed conflict in Tigray regional state. In a joint Statement by HR/VP Borrell and Commissioner Lenarčič on massacres in Axum, the EU said …

Addis Abeba, February 10/2021 – In a statement it released on February 09, Ethiopia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said “the Government of Ethiopia is deeply concerned by the statements the European Union is issuing regarding the situation in Tigray,” and blamed the EU for issuing a statement which not only …

Addis Abeba, February 08/2021 – Through a joint-statement by High-Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell, Commissioner Jutta Urpilainen and Commissioner Janez Lenarčič , issued today, the EU said it “joins the United States’ call for the withdrawal of Eritrean troops from Ethiopia, which are fueling the conflict in Tigray, reportedly committing atrocities, and …