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Addis Abeba, May 04/2021 – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia said in a statement that “Ethiopia has learnt with disappointment” the EU’s decision to cancel its planned election observation mission to Ethiopia. The Ministry further said that “it is very unfortunate to have learnt that the issue of …

Addis Abeba, April 19/2021 – Barely a month and half before Ethiopia’s 6th national election scheduled on June 05 took place, the European Union’s High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell said the EU will “continue following closely the situation [in Ethiopia] in order to confirm our will to send an electoral observation …

Addis Abeba, April 03/2021 – Pekka Haavisto, Foreign Minister of Finland, and EU’s envoy to Ethiopia mandated by the block’s High Representative Josep Borrell, is on his way to the Kindom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates “for discussions on regional issues as well as the situation in …