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By Chris Patten London – I used to be considered a pretty good forecaster of British and other countries’ elections. I was, after all, once a party chairman. I can now confess my method. It was not based on any novel political insight. I did not have a magic algorithm …

HEINEKEN officially inaugurated its new brewery at a greenfield site in Kilinto on the outskirts of Addis Abeba on Jan. 15th. The state of the art brewery was unveiled in a ceremony attended by 300 guests including Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, and Mrs Charlene de Carvalho of Heineken, and …

By Sami Mahroum PARIS – It is easy to discuss the deadly attack on Charlie Hebdo as an attack on freedom of expression. But are we supposed to be surprised that a global terror organization known for its brutal disregard for human rights and humane values would attack a media …