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Tomas Mega, From Las Vegas Nevada After there presidential debates, the election of 2012 is closer than over. Various polls show Romney with a slim lead, Obama with a slim lead, and both in a virtual tie. Unexpectedly, some polls indicate that Obama has lost his once double digit lead …

  Tomas Mega from Las Vegas, Nevada       Forty two years ago, Vice President Spiro Agnew used the phrase “Nattering nabobs of negativism” to describe his view of the American media.  In the final days of this election year, the notorious nabobs are still at it, but they …

  It’s all about size Tomas Mega     Americans now have real choices about the future direction of the country, and the choices are unkind. Romney’s selection of U.S. Representative and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan as his Vice President sends a blunt message to voters:  Romney cannot …