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In a frantic attempt to contain Islamist extremism in Ethiopia, the government is getting close to shoot itself in the foot  Selahadin Eshetu Getahun     Mohammed Mustafa (not his real name) is a third year Computer Science student in Ambo University, 114 kms west of the capital Addis Ababa.  …

Hone Mandefro         It takes little to understand that an educated society is one that transforms itself into higher levels of innovation and productivity. The World Bank in its 2007 quality of education and economic growth report says, “Education can increase the innovative capacity of the economy …

A global health conference in Addis Ababa attempts to address the issue of health equity. The host too has its own challenges to overcome Dr.Yohannes Damtew There is no lack of international conferences aimed at addressing pressing matters related to global health problems. October 21st 2011 marks a historic milestone …