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  A farmer can produce a bounty and still be a poor farmer Hone Mandefro   Alebel Andiye is a farmer living in the outskirt of Seqota, a small town in Wag Hemra Zone of northern Ethiopia. Sekota is a town recently connected by a 675 kms of asphalt road …

  A local company brought good news to a story that is getting better   Tsedale Lemma   On May 19, 2012 The Economist published a story that was hugely welcomed by development partners working with African countries. ‘African Child mortality: the best story in development,’ read the headline and …

  Ethiopia’s infamous anti –terrorism law saw prominent journalists, high level opposition members take lengthy prison sentences A court in Addis Ababa jailed blogger Eskindir Nega and opposition party members including Adualem Arage, deputy chairman of the Unity for Democracy and Justice (UDJ), the only opposition party with a lone …