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Addis Abeba, December 17/2021 –  The French Government donated 1,000, 800 doses of Johnson and Johnson covid-19 vaccines to Ethiopia, that will be delivered on December 17th in Addis-Abeba, through Covax mechanism. This donation comes in addition to the 843 600 AstraZeneca vaccine doses already donated by France in July (391 200) …

By Addis Standard Staff  Addis Abeba, December 16, 2021- The federal police commission announced that it arrested Two journalists and a cameraman for allegedly promoting the Oromo Liberation Army, OLA) on an international level. “The journalists who were paid large sums of money to promote Shanee (a term used by …

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH JOINT PRESS RELEASE “International investigations, access to detainees key to deter further abuses” Addis Abeba, December 16/2021 – Amhara security forces are responsible for a surge of mass detentions, killings and forced expulsions of ethnic Tigrayans in the Western Tigray territory of northern Ethiopia, Amnesty …