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Society & Economy

Society & Economy

The economy of a developmental state may grow at unprecedented pace but it often ruins democracy and good governance    Taye Negussie (PhD) Ordinarily, we think of a developmental state merely as a state that intervenes in the working of the market at instances of ‘market malfunctioning’. But, is that …

Effective involvement of people in the process of policy and legislative development is in the interest of both the government and the people  Taye Negussie (Phd) It is not uncommon to hear people, here in Ethiopia, appreciating how fabulous a given government policy or legislation was, only if, had it …

A just world takes more than a mere change of “economic design” and “paradigm shift” on how to do economic business  Taye Negussie (Phd) The recently released report by the United Nations Secretary-General’s High Level Panel on Global Sustainability titled ‘Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing’ has set …