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Society & Economy

Society & Economy

A fairly realistic assessment of the legacies of a departing statesman ought to analytically disaggregate individual and public personalities of the departed Taye Negussie (PhD)   Following the untimely death of the late Ethiopian prime minster Meles Zenawi, debate has been raging on the legacy of his statesmanship as one …

“Identity is a matter of setting up similarities and differences between people”  Taye Negussie (PHD) Since the end of the Cold War, we have been witnessing a resurgence of a ‘radical’ identity politics–a political passion which aims to create a social order supposedly under a single, ‘master’  identity to an …

  Ethiopia is having more and more people whose self-imposed enslavement resulting from a naïve, uncritical, wholesale adoption of Western cultural values and ideals are spreading fast  Taye Negussie (PHD) An assessment study recently conducted on patterns of street advertisements in Addis Ababa has revealed that out of the 600 …