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Society & Economy

Society & Economy

  ‘What lies at the core of any economic action or system is a shared cultural understanding which provides stability and meanings to people’s actions’ Taye Negussie (PhD) Up until the 1980s, the dominant intellectual view in the development discourse was that culture and economy were two distinct and autonomous …

  How many of us know that this rather poor continent, Africa, is ironically one of the biggest markets for the world-class whisky liquor company since long? Taye Negussie (PhD) One of the renowned economists of our time, Jeffrey D. Sachs, in his recent article entitled The Lost Generation written …

“Bad governance is an equal sharing of misery.” –Shiv Khera  Taye Negussie(PHD) Too often, oppressors in unjust, repressive, unaccountable and undemocratic governance systems seem to be trapped in a mental delusion that they would gain at the expense of the oppressed. This is a gross misconception since the very act …