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Society & Economy

Society & Economy

Hardcore economists believe the mystique power of the ‘invisible hand’ in the market, first conceived by Adam Smith, essentially creates a self-equilibrating market. But our columnist Taye Negussie (PhD) argues such characterization of the market, particularly when it comes to utilization and preservation of natural resources, misses the subtlety of …

Our columnist Taye Negussie (PhD) answers some of the perplexing questions many of us ponder: what is totalitarianism? What are the features most commonly attributed to authoritarian regimes? And, most importantly, how is it possible for totalitarian regimes to subjugate so large a mass of citizens depriving them of their …

Taye Negussie (PhD) Despite its renowned long-history as a state, unfortunately Ethiopia has so far never been able to see any semblance of a democratic regime. All the hitherto reigning regimes have been bluntly autocratic varying only in their ideological discourses; though, now authoritarianism is in its worst state as …