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Ambachew F. Admassie, for Addis Standard Part 3  Addis Abeba, January 28/2019 – Ethiopian online media outlets recently broke the news that there is a discussion going around some policy circles over reforming the regulation related to vehicle imports. It reportedly runs in the direction of prohibiting or levying higher …

  Ambachew F. Admassie, for Addis Standard Part 2 Addis Abeba, December 20/2018 – Part 1 of my rejoinder attracted some interesting reactions from readers. Some seemed apparently misled by the picture of local traffic pollution in Addis inserted by the editors, expressed they were worried the Addis’s pollution has …

A recent picture of Addis Abeba taken by Henok Assefa of Precise consult International shows the visible marks of air pollution  Ambachew F. Admassie, for Addis Standard Part 1 Addis Abeba, December 04/2018 – Sustainable Development practitioners believe our well-being cannot be ensured without a balanced interplay & robust accounting …