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Addis Abeba, December 17/2020 – Nestlé has partnered with local sustainability consultant TS Environment to set up a plastics waste recovery program in Ethiopia. The objective of the program is to achieve plastics neutrality within the next 12 months. This means Nestlé will have collected and co-processed the equivalent amount …

Addis Abeba, December 11/2020 –Over 50 million people are in need of immediate food assistance in the Horn East and Central Africa, with numbers expected to rise significantly as the region braces for harsh, climate fueled La Niña conditions, said Oxfam yesterday. The warning comes as world leaders prepare to meet for …

Ethiopia has already lost its black rhino, now it is losing its elephants Addis Abeba, September 29/2020 – The new documentary film “Ethiopia’s Elephant Crisis,” by award-winning American journalist and filmmaker Antoine Lindley, brings to the forefront the challenges that Ethiopia faces in wildlife conservation, especially its efforts to save …