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Addis Abeba, May 03/2021 – Nine people were killed yesterday when a 50 meter concrete wall collapsed on residential houses following four hours nonstop heavy rain in Dire Dawa city. Among the victims are three month old infant and the mother, as well as two and five year old children. …

ETENESH ABERA @ETENESHAB Addis Abeba, March 31, 2021 – Reports of fire breaking out in different parts of the country.has been coming out since last month The fire incidents targeted forests that covers according to the United Nations’ (UN) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 15.7 percent of the country. Oromia …

Addis Abeba, January 29/2021 – New research has revealed how an invasion of the alien evergreen tree, Prosopis juliflora seriously diminishes water resources in the Afar Region of Ethiopia, consuming enough of this already scarce resource to irrigate cotton and sugarcane generating some US$ 320 million and US$ 470 million net benefits per year. …