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Ayele Gelan, (PhD), special to Addis Standard Addis Abeba, August 09/2018 – A provocative question was posed to PM Abiy Ahmed at one of the public meetings during his recent visit to the USA. From the way PM Abiy replied, I guess the question was related to possibility of granting …

 Mekonnen Teshome Tollera Addis Abeba, may 29/2018 – Ethiopia is one of the African countries endowed with abundant fresh water resources and commonly dubbed as the Water Tower of Africa. The country is currently building Africa’s biggest hydroelectric dam, which is expected to generate 6200 MW while completed in few …

Addis Abeba, May 29/2018 – The first modern water hyacinth harvester (Aquatic Weed Harvester Model H5-200) bought by the Global Coalition for Lake Tana Restoration (GCLTR) arrived Bahirdar Saturday afternoon. A large gathering of local residents and government officials have warmly welcomed the arrival. GCLTR is leading efforts to save …