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Living off Mother Earth

Living Off Mother Earth

A recent picture of Addis Abeba taken by Henok Assefa of Precise consult International shows the visible marks of air pollution  Ambachew F. Admassie, for Addis Standard Part 1 Addis Abeba, December 04/2018 – Sustainable Development practitioners believe our well-being cannot be ensured without a balanced interplay & robust accounting …

Guy Ryder    Addis Abeba, June 05/2017 – Climate change is the result of human activity. That activity is, for the most part, work or work-related. It is only logical then that the world of work has a key role to play in finding a solution to this pressing issue. …

Tesfalem Waldyes Dire Dawa – For residents of Dire Dawa, a city 515 km East of Addis Abeba, mid-day on May 12, 2016 was not the usual break time. Residents who were on their way home for lunch were forced to stop when they reached the big waterway that divides …