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By Martha Kuwee Kumsaa Addis Abeba, June 29/2021  Hacee My beloved son, whose passionate yearning for freedom revived my inspiration. Hacee whose sweet melodious songs soothed our collective trauma. Hacee who captured our collective dreams and aspirations from across generations. Hacee my beloved son, It’s hard to believe that twelve …

By Etenesh Abera @EteneshAb Addis Abeba, October 16/2020  – It is almost 70 years since Addis Ababa University commenced working as the oldest and the largest higher learning and research institution in Ethiopia. The higher learning institution gradually increased to fewer numbers in the next 65 years, but quite significantly …

By Etenesh Abera @EteneshAb & Bileh Jelan @Bilejelan Addis Abeba, September 23/2020 – The month of August 2020 has left behind a dark shade to the Ethiopian journalists community and to the media family as we lost four Ethiopian journalists: Mohammed Tola of Al Jazeera; Getachew Tedela of Deutsche Welle …