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The Streets

Ashenafi Zedebub As the author Leland Foster Wood wrote, success in marriage is much more than a matter of finding the right person. So many people are concerned merely about finding “Mr. or Ms. Right.” It never occurs to them that they themselves should also be right in view of …

Ashenafi Zedebub “Tej be-brlle , neger be-missale”, is an ancient Ethiopian saying, which literally means ”  “tej “- a traditional drink mainly made from honey- may be drunk out of “brille” – a bulgy glass with a narrow, long neck and “neger” – an example or  a proverb – belongs …

Ashenafi Zedebub If we just take a glance at our dictionary – old or advanced – the meaning of friendship remains the same. “A friendship is a feeling which exists between friends”. In this sense, a neighbor can be a friend. Friendship can also exist between colleagues, school-mates, club members, …