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Ashenafi Zedebub “As a result of a painful feeling by the nearness or the possibility of danger a disorder of the intestine could easily happen and all of a sudden an attack of diarrhea could follow.”  This is what I happen to read in a research paper several years ago. …

Ashenafi Zedebub The question “can you listen?” might be considered as a rather “foolish question.” It should, however, be clearly understood that this particular question is not at all meant for the hearing impaired. Prominent psychologists of our time have now and again made the emphasis on this “special subject …

Save for a courageous struggle by one group, Ethiopia is one of the countries in Africa where contemporary dance remains unpopular  Zela Gayle East Africa is a thriving place for experiencing contemporary dance. With the many popular dance forms that exist in the 21st Century; Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Uganda …