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By Martha Kuwee Kumsaa Addis Abeba, June 29/2021  Hacee My beloved son, whose passionate yearning for freedom revived my inspiration. Hacee whose sweet melodious songs soothed our collective trauma. Hacee who captured our collective dreams and aspirations from across generations. Hacee my beloved son, It’s hard to believe that twelve …

Abdullahi Ali Sherif is the founder of Sherif Private Museum, the first private museum in Ethiopia and a holder of an honorary Doctorate from Haramaya University for his contribution on the development and conservation of cultural heritages. Abudullahi Sharif, a father of five who considers the museum his sixth child. …

Land to the Tiller an interview with Zegeye Asfaw By Ann Oosthuizen Morfa Books 34 Rosamund Rd, Oxford, UK By Leenco Lata Addis Abeba, December 26/2020 – This book is an attempt to peer into the soul of a very remarkable man by relating the story of his passionate empathy …