The Police in in Bahir Dar city, the capital of the Amhara regional state 578kms north of Addis Ababa, has named a member of the federal police unit who killed twelve and wounded two civilians in a weekend killing spree as Constable Fekadu Nasha.

The  police also said the shooter has had problems with his estranged girlfriend, whose mother was one of the victims.

“We believe a revenge may have triggered the killing,” said an officer in the city’s police commission.  The shooter killed his victims on Sunday May 12th evening before throwing himself into the Blue Nile River to death. The killing happened in an area called Abay-Mado kebele eleven.

The body of Constable Fekadu Nasha , who was said to be under the influence of alcohol during the shooting, was recovered this morning.

The bodies of the victims that included women and children were laid to rest on Monday May 13th in the presence of the president of the region Ayalew Gobeze, who promised to do whatever is necessary to help the families of the victims. Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn issued a statement on the same day condemning the act as “unacceptable.” Ayalew Gobeze further warned that his office will spare no effort to identify and punish accordingly if there were any officials who helped as accessories to the killing.

Addis Standard’s initial attempt to find out more about the police officer was to no avail. An official from the Amhara region police commission said on Monday his office was working hard to release the identity of the killer “when the time is due.”  The officer insisted that from what his office has gathered until Monday the shooting was a “random act.”

Caption: Ayalew Gobeze

Photo: ENA

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