Addis Standard

A disease with no immediate remedy

Ashenafi Zedebub

“………As it progresses very slowly, taking many many years to reach full expression, it would affect the control of muscles.  There may be few symptoms beyond tremor and also alteration in walking.”  This is how Parkinson’s disease looks like!

As experts noted, the progress of the illness is very very slow, so much so that one could not at all be worried right from the start.  Parkinson’s disease is not completely understood, and yet it is the focus of intense investigation. The onset of tremor – which is even present at rest – as well as slowing of movement, increased muscle rigidity and a decline in the reflexes that govern posture are the main features.  Pain is usually not a significant feature, although it would be expected at later stages.

According to researchers, a person with Parkinson’s disease has sometimes difficulty with control of the mouth, tongue and swallowing can as well become hard. It is indicated that the later stages may involve a shuffling gait with small steps, which, at times, be interrupted by “stops” that the patient cannot control. The facial features also become more frozen to the extent that spontaneous emotions may not flicker as they used to be.

Neurologists are usually confused whenever they happen to see a patient with Parkinson’s disease. However, it is strongly recommended to consult a neurologist in view of the fact that the disease could be something within their province. Experts are of the opinion that there may be several causes of Parkinson’s disease, but all causes are not known. No infectious agent has so far been identified as causing the disease. But in animals, some toxins, such as pesticides, have been shown to  produce similar symptoms, although not always with the accumulation of intracellular substance which are clumped in deposits known as “ Lewy Bodies”.

Doctors now and then prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs in some cases. But not all of them work, and, as a result, they choose to refer such patient to a neurologist, which by itself is not the actual remedial way.

While there is not yet a cure for Parkinson’s disease, quite a huge amount of study is going on in the United States and Europe. A real breakthrough has not been so far obtained and one never knows when such a real breakthrough may come so as to heal hundreds of thousands of people suffering from it.

According to a recent report presented by researchers in the field, there is a lot of interest in stem-cell therapy.  Stem-cell treatments carry many unknown possibilities. It is underlined that some improvements with stem cells have occurred.

People with deep knowledge of hydrotherapy also happen to find ways and means of remedy, which would include massage, physical training and so on.

As far as I am concerned, while sadly seeing some people suffering from such sickness,   I have so far tried to make several inquiries into the disease. But most of the people in the field – my friends – including physicians, specialists in neurology, could only “rename” the type of the disease by saying “oh! Parkinson’s disease!” – but with no further remedial solution for it. And what about you?


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