Journalist Meaza Mohammed, Co- founder of Roha Media

By Addis Standard Staff 

Addis Abeba, December 11, 2021- Journalist Meaza Mohammed was taken from her house in Addis Abeba Nifas Silk sub city this morning, according to her husband, Robel Gebeyehu who told Addis Standard, “They were not wearing uniforms but they showed her their IDs.” 

Journalist Meaza is the co-founder of online media outlet, Roha Media and previously worked at Abbay media. Robel said she was on her way to work when she was confronted by the men who took her. “We don’t know where she was taken to,” he said. According to her husband, the police neither searched her residence nor provided explanations as to why she was arrested. 

This is the Third arrest of online media journalists this week, following Eyasped Tesfaye and Tamerat Negera from Ubuntu Media and Terara Network respectively. AS

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